Snack Attack: Oh Snap!

Harvest Snaps baked pea crisps are a new product on the shelves at my local supermarket. They are the first of the Calbee brand to be released into Australia. There are a variety of similar products around the world with flavours catered to that particular country. The flavours released into Australia are Original Salted, Chilli and Wasabi. They are a baked product and have less sodium and less fat in comparison to potato chips.

Original Salted 

These have a salty, vegetable smell which isn't quite pea but just a general vegetative smell. The crisps have a firm texture when you press them, though they break in half easily and have an airy inside. When you bite them they have a wonderful crunch, the salty flavour isn't too strong and doesn't overwhelm the pleasant vegetable taste. This snack is great for those who want something to nibble on, but don't want a strong and bold flavour taking over. These are the only ones that are gluten free.


These have a super strong smell, with soy sauce strangely enough being the most dominate of all. There is a hint of chilli, although not much of the vegetable smell like the original salted ones, it reminds me a little of a noodle flavour packet. The colour is much darker on these chips, a brownish/red and you can see the flavouring coating each crisp, although when you break them open they are the same green colour as the original ones. The first flavour to hit you is the soy and then it gives way to a garlicy chilli taste. You get a little tingle from the chilli on your lips and tongue but it is very mild and those who aren't a huge fan of spice might enjoy these. While more flavourful then the original ones, they are also saltier. I personally would prefer less soy flavouring and more of a chilli kick.

Funnily enough these are the ones that smell the most like peas, though they also have a strong wasabi scent as well. If you like those wasabi peas you can find in most Asian grocers, then these are the snack for you. They have balanced out the flavouring really well, the wasabi doesn't overwhelm you even after eating a few. The burn from these are different to the chilli ones and to be honest I prefer these ones, the also have a better salt balance. These would make a great bar snack, working well with either a beer or cider.

I felt a little less guilty eating these, though I will be taking the rest of the packets into work to share because no one needs to eat all these themselves.

Do yourself a flavour and buy some right now. The wasabi ones are my number one pick.
Do it now
Bitch, Peas!


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