Bling Bling! Success is just one can away......

Except 'You can't buy success but you can buy what it taste like" The tagline for the new limited edition flavour from V Energy. Is the drink inside really as successful as the packaging promises? What does success taste like? Smell like? Will I become more successful after drinking this? These are the important questions running through my mind as I stare down at this shiny gold can with its fancy embossed V symbol.

At the first hiss and click of the can opening my nose was assaulted with a strong and sweet smell. It took me a moment to pin down exactly what I was smelling but then it clicked, bubble-gum and fairy floss. The light golden coloured drink fizzled at me, begging me to take a sip and see if the taste could hold a candle to the smell. If someone was to melt down a bubblegum and fairy floss Zooper Dooper, put it in this can, I honestly don't think I would be able to tell the difference, at least not flavour wise. I did feel my teeth melting away from the sweetness of it but I still managed to find it enjoyable. If this is the taste of success, then it must be based off Willy Wonka's career. Would I buy this again? Possibly, if I felt like a sugar and caffeine hit in one go.

V Energy is a company always coming up with new and exciting flavours, you either love them or hate them. See for yourself if they have bottled success in a can or flopped like a fish out of water.

 It's the massive hit that improves you a bit!


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