Smiths have done it again

Smiths Chips are always coming up with crazy and new flavours and once again they haven't disappointed. I spied these in the Supermarket the other day and curiosity got the better of me. I just had to grab a packet of each flavour and see if they really did taste as promised. There is also a chance to win 20k and daily prizes (through Smiths and not me because I'm a very poor food blogger!!)

Lets take a flavour trip to America, Mexico and China.

American Pulled Pork
These have a very good coating of flavouring that's quite visible on the chips, although not as bright as the Mexican ones. The smell is very fatty with lots of pork coming through, hints of smoke and spice also waft up when the packet is opened. Unexpectedly these chips were quite sweet, I was certainly expecting more smoke and fatty pork and while it's there, the sweetness does take over a little more. The sweetness isn't unpleasant though and does reduce the fatty mouthfeel that can come from pork flavoured chips.

Mexican Burrito
The flavour of these chips isn't quite burrito and more Mexican flavour packet from a meal kit. That's not to say this isn't a nice chip but I don't get the feeling of eating a burrito when I eat these. The flavouring is a bright orange/red colouring and out of the three flavours has the most dusted on its chips. A very strong smell with lots of spices, herbs and a little tang, it's a very inviting smell. Taste wise there is a lot of tomato and then all the spices especially the paprika and cumin. So despite not giving me a burrito vibe they have nailed the Mexican flavouring

Chinese Peaking Duck
I am so amazed that they were able to get the flavour of these so spot on. It's almost creepy how accurate they got these to be. They are the lightest of all the chips, with only a slight hint of colour but the smell is so strong. As soon as the packet is opened your nose is assaulted with BBQ and Chinese spices, lots of star anise. There is a fatty duck smell and for a moment I forgot I was even smelling chips, it was like the dish was in front of me. The taste is sweet, meaty, fatty and full of spices. They really nailed every element of these chips.

If you want to give your taste buds a tingle then do yourself a flavour and get a packet or two today.

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win!


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