Emily is a fruity gal

I absolutely love a fruit chip and I even make them at home in my dehydrator. I had been seeing the Emily Crisps all over Instagram and wasn't sure how I was ever going to get the chance to try them, when I just happened to stumble upon them in Coles supermarket the other day. These fruit crisps are Gluten Free, No Added Sugar, Natural and Vegan Friendly. They have nailed the packaging, each packet is so beautiful and eye catching they really jump out at you on the shelves. If they sold those designs on shirts to the public they would sell out in seconds they are just so pretty.

Crunchy Red Apple
Sadly not my favourite apples chips I have tried, though not unpleasant, I do feel the cooking process has lost some of the flavour that could have made these some of the most amazing chips ever. The smell is ever so slightly oily and I don't get much apple, just a very tiny bit. They are super crunchy and crispy with a good bite. The crisps do taste better then they smell with a nice natural sweetness and the more you eat the stronger the flavour gets. I think that hand cooking them in RSPO sustainable palm oil does loose some of the freshness that freeze drying provides but overall they are still a great fruit crisp. These are my second favourite out of the three flavours I found.

Crunchy Fig Banana
Hands down some of the best banana chips I have ever tasted, including the ones I tried for a previous post all about bananas and banana flavoured products, you can follow the link to the Go Bananas Blog Post to read more. These had a sweet banana smell and just like the apple crisps they were very crunchy with a good airy texture. Once you start eating these they melt in your mouth, they become so overwhelmingly creamy my mind was blown. It was like eating the ripest, sweetest banana but with a crunchy start and a smooth creamy finish. There wasn't a hint of oiliness that the apple chips seemed to have. These ones are truly an addictive snack and the best ones to come from Emily Crisps. If you like bananas then you will looooooooooooove these.

Crunchy Pineapple
Unfortunately these missed the mark for me completely. The cooking process, while it worked for the bananas and somewhat for the apples, didn't work at all for the pineapple, in fact for me personally it sort of destroyed any flavour. While they still have the amazing crunch that the other crisps have, the flavour is gone. There was a slight pineapple smell to them along with a bit of the oiliness that the apple crisps had. There is the faintest pineapple taste but it's so hard to find that you need to eat quite a few to get a small amount of pineapple. There isn't really any sweetness either. I was so disappointed that these didn't live up to my expectation as dried pineapple is something I love but personally I just think this was the wrong cooking style for these and with some tweaking they could be amazing.

Emily Crisps also has vegetable chips but I haven't come across them yet and hopefully I shall see them soon. Even though I didn't love the pineapple I still recommended giving all these crisps a try as you never know, what I like you might not and what I don't like you might love.

If you love to snack and want a healthier option then chips then do yourself a flavour and give these a go.

Emily Crisps Homepage


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