Battle of the Riesling

Deciding how to start this first post was difficult. I ummmed and ahhhed, taking too much time and making many excuses. Then I thought to myself the other day, Rose, you love Riesling, so why not choose two wines and talk about them. That's exactly what I did.

The Cellar Works, 2014, Clare Valley by Winemaker Adam Barton

Rabbit and Spaghetti, 2014, Tamar Valley by Winemaker Adam Barton

Funny how I didn't even notice when I picked these two to look at, that they had the same winemaker.

The Cellar Works Riesling

The first thing you notice about this wine is its pale gold colour, then the hints of mango, lemon and lime hit you as you dive nose deep into the glass. There is a sharp but pleasant acidity that makes itself know and has your mouth watering for more. Burnt Orange/Lime shines through once the wine hits your tongue, with balanced mineral characteristics. This Riesling is on the dryer side with no hint of residual sugar. Enjoy this wine chilled on a hot evening, perfect with spicy food and seafood. This would be my pick for people wanting to try Riesling but want a dryer style of white.
Price $15.49 Normally
         $10.46 for NakedWine 'Angels' members

Rabbit and Spaghetti Riesling

Beautiful straw coloured wine with pleasant notes of apricot, lemon and lime on the nose which are not overwhelming, but light and delicate. Once this wine hits your tongue there is a fresh burst of acidity, that isn't too sharp, balanced out with small levels of residual sugar. Lemon/lemon sherbet comes through on the pallet much stronger and makes this wine bright and exciting. Another perfect match for spicy food or all on its own on a hot summers eve.
Price $26.99 normally
         $18.29 for NakedWine 'Angel' members

Both of these wines are a fantastic expression of the Riesling grape. Drinking these side by side shows how one grape variety, made by the same winemaker can differ. For those wanting to try Riesling but are afraid it will be too sweet for them, then I suggest The Cellar works 2014. Those wishing a slightly sweeter style but still fresh and bright then definitely grab a bottle of the Rabbit and
Spaghetti 2014.

People shouldn't be afraid to try Riesling, the variety has so much to offer. Wines range from mouth puckering lime acidity, bone dry, soft and mellow, then to liquid sunshine that sings on the tongue. I personally love them all. You just have to find the one that suits you.

Battle Winner:

Both of these wines are a winner. Hard to choose between them when they both embody qualities I like in my wine. Try one or both, I would be surprised if you were disappointed by either.

Where to find these wines:
1800 898 677

Bonus Link:


  1. Great reviews, keep them coming!

  2. Hi Rose, any chance you could share the price one can expect to pay. Good on you and I look forward to more posts, will they be weekly, monthly or random?
    Regards Caroline

    1. Hi Caroline, I have edited the post to include price. I will be doing a post in the near future that explains the Naked Wines subscription service. Hoping to be able to post weekly for the moment. Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Kind Regards Rose


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