The one The only the Orginal Munchpak

If you haven't tried a Munch Pak yet then you are missing out big time. For those who love snacking and trying things from around the world this really is the subscription box for you. Now I am part of their Affiliate program so any link or code I share, for people to use, I make a small percentage of the profits. That being said all these thoughts are my own and while I don't always love every snack I receive there is always such a wonderful variety that I can find something I love every time. You can also customise your boxes so that you get more of the things you want in them but I love being surprised!

Some of the snacks in this box are repeats of the Family sized MunchPak I reviewed recently so if you would like to read about those then head over to that blog using the link Family Munch Pak Blog

This box was sent to me by MunchPak

Product of Korea
These are a repeat snack so for my first impressions of these I would head over to my post about the Family MunchPak. I will say I wasn't disappointed to see these again as they were a great snack. Neither too sweet or too savoury and easily eaten.

Great Lakes Potato Chip Co
Kettle Cooked Parmesan and Ranch Flavour
Product of America

Another delightful repeat, these were my favourite snack from the previous box and I was stoked to see them again. Amazing flavour, salty, herby and cheesy with good balance and the actual potato chip itself is fantastic. These are still some of the best chips I have had in a long time and really wish I could buy these in Australia as I would love to try their other flavours. 

Kathy Kayne's Glazed Popcorn
Birthday Cake
Product of America 

This was another repeat and while I wasn't disappointed, I gave them to a friend as glazed popcorn isn't really my sort of thing. I love normal popcorn but find the glazed can be too sweet sometimes and gets stuck in your teeth worse then normal popcorn. In the world of glazed popcorn though I do find that these are some of the nicer ones I've tried.

Nestle Cocoselle
Product of Colombia

Yet again this is a repeat snack and I decided to also pass this along to a friend even though I did enjoy this when first trying it. As I said in in my previous post featuring this, if you love coconut then this is the snack for you! The coconut smacks you in the face and doesn't try to hide at all.

Milo Cookies
Product of Colombia

Another delightful repeat! A great tasting cookie with a creamy filling and a fantastic milo chocolate taste. I wouldn't be disappointed to receive these again and again as they are something I have never seen in Australia before. Just Delicious!

Product of America

While these weren't an official repeat snack I did receive a warhead product in the Family sized box but it was very different. Out of the two, I will say I enjoyed these more. They had flavours I preferred over the other packet and being of a smaller size it was a lot easier to eat these. Same great mouth watering sourness, that makes your jaw ache and your tongue numb after too many candies. The blue raspberry and green apple were my favourite flavours. If you love sour candies these are perfect.

Cow Tales
Product of America

This is also not an exact repeat snack but a repeat brand and similar to the warheads I enjoyed this one a lot more then the chocolate caramel tube that I received in my last box. This had a strong vanilla, marshmallow smell that was very sweet with notes of white chocolate. Reminds me of the LCM bars you can buy in supermarkets. The first bite wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be although it does get sweeter the more you eat. The creamy caramel pieces on top were a nice touch and broke up the flavour so you didn't just feel like you were eating Rice Krispy's and marshmallows (which is essentially what this treat is) They made each bite interesting and while I enjoyed this, I know that as a kid I would have thought this was the greatest snack in the world.

7 Days Double Croissant 
Product of Bulgaria

This smelled very sweet and buttery and despite being a little squished from shipping I was excited to try it. The filling is super sweet and the vanilla inside almost tasted like a vanilla butter instead of a cream. The croissant itself wasn't that sweet, just a nice buttery flavour. The strawberry jam is very sweet as well and while it does taste like real fruit there is also a very large dose of sugar along with it. A nice afternoon treat with a cup of tea but the fillings together can get a litter overwhelming, so I don't think I would be eating this often if it was available in my country, maybe just as a treat occasionally.

Smokey Korean BBQ Flavour
Product of South Korea

I have honestly never tasted a flavour like this before and I can safely say I wouldn't want to eat them again. Somehow these were both smokey and sweet. I just couldn't understand why these were so sickly sweet. They are chips yet it was like eating sugar coated corn puffs with a hint of onion and smoke. In my personal opinion I would be happy never to eat these again and while I find it hard to believe people could enjoy these I'm still happy to have tried them as now I know what they are like. I did enjoy the little Chester Cheeto prize that came in the packet, it reminded me of my childhood and the TAZOS that were popular in the early nineties.

Boca Java
Surfing Safari Coffee
Product of America

This is my second time getting coffee in a MunchPak and again it wasn't brewed to perfection as I don't own filter papers or anything fine enough to not have my coffee filled with tiny specks. We did our best using a tea strainer and steeping the coffee but still some of it slipped through. The smell was delightful out of the packet and I could have just stood in my kitchen with my nose in the packet all morning, a rich creamy caramel smell with a hint of that earthiness that all coffee has. The flavour was nice, a little more subtle then the smell but I also feel like our lack of proper brewing tools for this specific type of coffee also had an effect on the taste. While this wouldn't replace my normal coffee it was enjoyable, not too sweet and not too bitter. The smell for me was better then the taste but I did enjoy trying this.

Yogurt Jelly
Product of Korea
Despite getting these again I still haven't made up my mind on liking them or not. I ended up passing these on to a friend who also had a love/hate relationship with these. Kind of nice but also not at the same time. They just confuse my taste buds.

As you can see I did receive many repeat products but I also got to try some new ones. Even if i didn't like the snack I still enjoy trying it and learning about the flavours of other countries. That is part of the magic of getting a subscription service such as this, you get to tour the world and open your mind and palate to different flavours. Follow the link below to grab yourself one today and help support my blog.

Do yourself and your taste buds a flavour!

MunchPak Homepage


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