Lobo Honey Cyser

Do you miss the days of old? Days when everyone wrote poetry after finding their words at the bottom of a tankard of Mead?

Worry not, for you can fulfil those dreams and write all the poetry your heart desires after drinking a bottle of the Lobo Honey Cyser. Cyser is the old name for mead made with apple juice. Mead is a traditional drink made using fermented honey and can include fruits and spices. Lobo make theirs using honey from a neighbours bees, and Adelaide Hills apples and quinces. There is also a secret blend of herbs and spices

This 330ml bottle packs a punch at 2.5 standard drinks and 9.5% alcohol. Put a few of these away and in no time you will be speaking poetry, I cannot tell you if it's lyrically genius you'll be waxing or utter trash but either way I'm sure you shall impress someone, even if it's just yourself.

This mead has a cloudy, opaque honey hue. It isn't the golden colour of honey on its own but has a subtle tinge to it. The smell is strong with a tart fruitiness and a very strong honey smell. It reminds me of drinking honey lemon drinks when I'm sick but as if it was made with Manuka Honey instead. There are hints of spice and the quince notes come through more then the apple, which is lost under all the honey. Now I have to admit that I haven't ever had mead before so I really don't know how this is supposed to taste, although I do trust LOBO as they made amazing ciders. This has a very strong taste, the honey has a different taste here then compared to the smell, there is more depth. The flavour lingers in your mouth, coating everything and there is no escaping it. I find it a little hard to describe it other then staying the flavour is deep. It taste almost stewed, none of the fresh crisp flavours of apples you get from their cider instead it's like the apples and quince have been cooked low and slow for hours on end with the honey and spices and then bottled up. I personally think this would be more enjoyable as a winter drink especially with a roast dinner as I believe these flavours would work well with that sort of meal.

Do yourself a flavour and try this today


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