Monet - Woodside cheese

I love cheese, especially soft delicate goats curd and I have had my eye on the Monet cheese from Woodside Cheese Wrights for some time. Recently at Cellar Door Fest I got the opportunity to try some and immediately knew I was buying some to take home.

Woodside Cheese Wrights is headed by the very talented Kris Lloyd and her team of cheese makers which also includes her son Mitch. They use traditional cheese making methods and that shows in the quality of their products. The Monet is part of the seasonal cheese range that Kris created taking advantage of the freshest quality milk available at that time. The nasturtiums are important to the cheese and so their availability goes hand in hand with the availability of the Monet.

Beautiful in both appearance and taste, the Chevre used for this cheese is fresh, bright and has a pleasant sharpness. Rich but delicate at the same time, this cheese isn't lacking for anything, it is bursting with amazing flavour. The herbs and flowers add another element that elevates this above other goats cheeses. It isn't hard to see why this cheese has won so many awards. My favourite way to enjoy this was on some fig sourdough, lightly toasted with a smothering of the cheese on top. Pure Indulgence!

They have a beautiful range of cheeses and there is something there to please everyone, I have only had the pleasure of tasting a select few before but I look forward to trying as many as I can.

Do yourself a flavour and make sure this is on your next cheese board, you wont be sorry!


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