Summer in a can

It might be winter in Australia but Red Bull has just released a new summer flavour to help you take flight once the warm weather hits. Their new flavour caught my eye, so feeling sluggish and tired I grabbed a can of their new flavour and two other summery flavours to see if they'd give me the wings I'd always dreamed of.

Ruby Grapefruit
A burst of refreshing tangy grapefruit fizz hits your nose as soon as the top is popped. This smells nothing like the regular edition of Red Bull which normally has a sweet almost candy smell to it, instead of a tart citrus smell. The taste is bursting with grapefruit flavour, so much that I was surprised. I guess I expected a sugary drink with a hint of grapefruit instead of a sour, tangy and bright drink I got. If it was summer time, with the sun beating down and sweat glistening on my forehead this would be a nice choice if I wanted some extra energy to help me deal with the heat. whist energy drinks aren't healthy for you, everything in moderation is the key and the max that you should be consuming is 2 small cans a day but even that is excessive especially due to the sugar content.

The Tropical edition
While not strictly a summer edition flavour, the Tropical edition is perfect for the warmer months. I honestly can't remembering trying this before but the flavour has been around for some time. Personally in high school I might have had one too many energy drinks and working as both a hairdresser and now in a kitchen they are both industries where you are on your feet for long hours at a time, so you turn to coffee and sugary beverages for a boost to help you get through. As I've grown up I have reduced my intake to very rarely, but I do still enjoy them, and love trying different flavours. A bright and fresh smell hits your nose with hints of pineapple, mango, citrus and maybe pawpaw sending me to warm sandy beaches and cocktails that cost less then $10. A sweet drink though it feels like it comes mostly from the fruit flavour and not so much the sugar packed into the drink. The taste is just as tropical as the smell mixed with a slight background of the normal Red Bull flavour but the fruity tropical notes are at the forefront. A nice edition to the family.

Kiwi and Apple
Now I've had this one before but I haven't put much thought into tasting it as I did when writing this post. Very pale green in colour and lighter then I would have expected this drink had the faintest smell of all. I had to stick my nose right into a glass to be able to even get a whiff of the faint green apple scent. Just like all Red Bull drinks this one is bubbly and effervescent, but this feels like it has more pop then the others which I feel has a slight effect on the taste. The kiwi and green apple flavour seems to take a bit of a backseat as the bubbles take over your tongue and only when they have died down do you start to get some of the flavour. Sour, nippy and tangy the combination of acidic flavours brings a burst that tingles the back of your throat with every sip. Apple and Kiwi is a great combination and not one you see often in drinks. Hopefully a summer edition that is here to stay.

If you are looking for something to put the flight back in your wings then any of these drinks would be a good choice for a sugary pick up.

Red Bull gives you wings

*I made sure to drink these on different days so that I wasn't ingesting too much sugar or caffeine.


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