MunchPak - The Ultimate Snack Attack

MunchPak is a snack subscription hailing from America filled with snacks from all around the world. Full of candy, savoury snacks and even drinks this is the ultimate choice for snack lovers. You are given the choice of three different sizes which gives you different amount of snacks ranging from 5 to 10 to even 20 or more snacks. It is such a customizable service, instead of just once a month like some subscription boxes you can choose to have them delivered weekly, fortnightly or monthly and then you have the choice of when you would like to pay ranging from every delivery to every 6 months. Then for an extra $1 per choice you can choose to have more gummy, sour, savoury, sweet, salty or spicy the list goes on, MunchPak are all about making the experience as tailored to your taste as you want. If you don't want to be specific about your taste and let them surprise you then you wont be disappointed at all.

MunchPak sent me a mini box to review and below is the snacks I received and what I thought about them. I got seven snacks in one tiny boxed packed by Anthony.

Spicy Cheese flavour

A corn based snack from Mexico, this is the first snack from there that I have been lucky enough to try. They look similar to fusilli pasta with a strong orange red colouring. The chips are light and airy with a great crunch. Spices overtake the cheese flavour but not in an unpleasant way and the subtle cheese works to balance out the heat from the chilli. The heat rises slightly the more of these you eat but it just sits in the back of your throat tickling away. It was easy to keep eating these and they would go perfect with a cold drink on a hot day.

Bobalu Nuts
"The Handful"
Lemon Salt and Pepper

A product from America, I've never had almonds inside the shell before so this was a whole new experience for me. The pepper really punches you in the face, well the mouth but it radiates through your whole head. The lemon salt is bright and zingy, pushing through the intense pepper flavour. The almonds inside the shell aren't flavoured but with how much is coating the shells they don't need to be and help give your palate a break. This snack is a little messy since you have to suck on the shell and then break it open to get to the nut inside but it's worth it. I would be interested to try their other flavours.

Lotte Koala's March
Matcha Green Tea

I've had similar products like this before but never the green tea flavour. Hailing from Thailand these little crisp koala shaped cookies are filled with a green tea flavoured white chocolate. The white chocolates sweetness is balanced out with the earthy notes of the green tea and the cookie shell is buttery and light. It is too easy to eat these and I had to stop myself after a few otherwise the whole packet would have disappeared into my belly. Not only adorable but delicious!

Cookania Cookies
Cocodelite - real coconut cookies

I don't believe I have ever had a treat from Pakistan before and I got two different kinds of cookies from them in my mini MunchPak. Light and crispy with a buttery crumb these little cookies pack a pleasant coconut explosion. The coconut flavour isn't like an additive and taste just like the name suggests - real coconut. These would be great with a nice cup of tea, curled up on the couch with a good book.

Real peanut and pistachio cookies
Sadly these were not as amazing as the coconut ones. They had the same buttery crisp that melts in your mouth but the flavour didn't quite work for me. There is a sweetness but then also a small amount of bitterness that isn't completely unpleasant but it just didn't make my tastebuds sing. The peanut flavour is very subtle and maybe these would have been improved with a stronger peanut burst. Whilst I didn't hate these I personally wouldn't choose them again and instead would get the coconut cookies as they were truly amazing.

Yookin Monster Stamp
Cider stamp candy

 A fun and interactive candy from Korea. You get four candies to a packet each with a different 'spooky' designs. To be able to stamp them you just need to lick the purple part and apply to a piece of paper. The paper worked the best when stamping since as you can see from above the ones on my hand just came out blurry, maybe they would have been better on a different part of the body but the paper came out the best. Whilst these are fun to play with they don't have much going for them in the flavour department. The English on the packet said cider so I thought maybe they were meant to be cider flavoured but all I got was a sweetness with a chalky texture. I wouldn't buy these again if I was wanting to satisfy a sweet craving but I would buy them for my niece or nephew to play with as they would find these fantastic.

Dark Roast Ground Coffee
I made a hilarious mistake when making this coffee, which clearly showed I needed a coffee. I made this like you would an instant coffee and not one that needs to be filtered. I don't own any filter papers as its something I've never used before so I tried my best to use a very tiny holed tea strainer which really didn't work that well but gave me a chance to try it at least. A very strong, deep coffee aroma but also a heavy earthy bitterness. It smells like dirt after a heavy rain. The bitterness is still present when drinking it but not as strong and there is more of a sweetness. I don't think I would choose this over my normal coffee and I personally need milk added to mine as black coffee is a little too potent for me. It was nice to have something different in a snack box aside from lollies and chips. From the information I found this is from Sweden.

Overall this was a fantastic box filled with a great variety of snacks. I was surprised at the range I received from chips, lollies to coffee almost every craving was satisfied. There are many snack boxes out there but not many provide such a broad selection and the ability to customise the box for your own taste. Do yourself a flavour and get a box and snack away.

If you want to try a MunchPak for yourself then I have two fantastic coupon codes to use (only available with your first order)

Use the code WINEABOUT to get $3 or use my affiliate code to receive 50% off
50% Coupon


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