Snack Attack: Ultra Deluxe Potato Chips

Red Rock Deli has always been know for bold flavours and these Special Reserve chips aren't any exception. Now I have had some flavours before but it has been so long that I had forgotten what they tasted like. They also seem to have replaced the Wagyu Beef and Wasabi Cream flavour with the new Slow Roasted Pork and Mustard Cider Jus. These were the ones I was looking forward to the most and I can tell you they didn't disappoint at all.

Slow Roasted Pork and Mustard Cider Jus
I am drooling right now just thinking about these. A beautiful meaty porky smell wafts to your nose as soon as the packet opens and then at the very end of the smell there is a light tang of the apple cider. The mustard adds a undertone of spice and goes so well with the fatty pork. Each time you smell these they change slightly, it might be more of the meat or the apple cider but every single time it's delicious. The taste is like biting into an amazing piece of pork crackling that's been dipped in mustard. Hints of pepper pop up while eating them and while the apple cider was strong on the nose it isn't as strong on the palate and just adds balance. These are really fantastic chips, though they really are for the more grown up taste buds as I know I wouldn't have eaten these when I was younger, actually I might have eaten them still but I wouldn't have appreciated the flavour. I do wish you could find smaller packets of these as you don't always want a huge bag, even if the flavours are amazing.

Champagne Vinaigrette and Shallot 
Now these are ones I have had before but it was some time ago and I couldn't recall if I liked them or not. They have a very light scent with hints of the vinegar and the pleasant acidic onion smell of the shallots, you can't really smell any champagne but I feel it just ties the other flavours together. The taste is salty, herby with a good oniony kick. Compared to the pork ones these have a much more delicate flavour but at the same time packed with flavour. The pork ones come with a heaviness due to the fatty flavour, you don't get this with these, they are nice and light enabling you to eat more(although that might not be a good thing sometimes) As someone who loves Salt and Vinegar chips these are the grown up version with a herby aftertaste. I really enjoy these and you could definitely  pair them with a cheeky glass of champagne.

Sea Salt and Black Truffle 
A salty, earthy truffle smell drifts softly up to your nose when you open this packet. It wasn't as strong as I was expecting when I saw it was truffle flavour, instead it is just a nice gentle smell that invites you to start eating. The flavour smacks you in the mouth and keeps building the more chips you eat. While I have grown to enjoy small amounts of truffle as I have gotten older I find personally that these are too overwhelming to my tastebuds. If you are a hard-core truffle lover then these are the chips just for you. The salt is balanced well but again the truffle is the main flavour and there is no hiding from it, it really lingers on the palate from quite some time.

All of these have such a great flavour, even if it wasn't too my particular taste. Do yourself a flavour and get a packet or two of these for the ultimate grow up snacking experience.


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