Welcome to the Family

If you are a person who likes to snack then the family sized MunchPak is for you. With 20 or more snacks packed into every box there is something to suit all tastes in here, or you can customize the box and get more of the snacks you want to see.

If you haven't read my first review on MunchPak then I suggest you follow this link The Ultimate Snack Attack and check that out before reading this one.

Something you need to download as soon as your first box arrives is the Snack Scanner App. This is a great tool to help you identify what your snack is, where its from and the price. You can also leave reviews, star ratings and read a little blurb about them. It will tell you if that product is in stock and allow you to place that item into your cart. All you need is a working phone camera, the packet of snacks and the App and you are good to go!

Kiki Jadoga Strawberry
Product of Croatia
Nothing better then getting an entire bag of little delightful treats and that's just what these are. Little individually wrapped strawberry flavoured caramels. They have a very pale, slightly pink toned colour to them. Firm but easily squished and starts to melt into your mouth after a few chews. These have a subtle sweet and tangy smell, not a true strawberry scent but enough to know what it is, though the scent is strong when they are all in the bag together. The flavour is a little more potent than the smell but again it is sweet with a little hint of tartness and then a smooth creaminess that really does help them melt in your mouth. Delicious 🍓

Nestle Cocoselle
Product of Colombia
Are you in love with the Coco? Yes? Then this is absolutely the treat for you. Crispy thin wafers filled with a coconut cream. This had a very sweet coconut smell, not unpleasant, but not my favourite. I have a love/hate relationship with coconut, though this one does lean more towards the love side then the hate side. Crunchy, creamy and crisp it has everything you want in a wafer bar and with a nice milky cup of tea this would be fantastic.

PaChao Ramune Soda
Product of Japan
Of all the Ramune candy I have had before these are the best I have ever tasted. Firm, creamy candy that has hidden gummy pieces and little sherbet bits that fizzle in your mouth. The fizz adds the effect of taking a sip of the actual soda. The candy has a clean flavour to it, a little lemon/lime but the cleanness is what stands out the most for me. The candy has a nice chew, with a slight resistance at the start and then it slowly melts away. 

Pumpkin Roll
I really didn't know much about this one when I opened the packet and I still don't really know where it comes from. What I do know is that it was surprisingly more delicious then I thought it was going to be. It smelt like a corn puff with a hint of pumpkin, a little salt and very savoury. There was a weight to the snack, not much but it had more then a "puff" is expected to have. Once I bit into this, it unveiled a hidden middle that was exploding with pumpkin flavour. Denser then the light crispy outside this dark orange middle was firm but with a creamy pumpkin taste. This snack was somehow airy, dense, creamy and salty all at the same time. I could eat so many of these, it's the perfect savoury snack packed into a small size.

Cow Tales
Product of America 
Soft and chewy with a delightful creamy center this chocolate caramel was lovely. Whilst not normally something I would pick for myself, if you like caramels this might just be the snack for you. The chocolate outside wasn't overly sweet and in fact had a hint of bitterness that was balanced out well with the sweet creamy center. It doesn't get stuck in your teeth and just melts away once you start eating it. Plus if someone is trying to steal your other snacks you can whack them like a cow would use their tail to flick those pesky flies away.

Product of Korea
How can you go wrong with chocolate filled biscuit sticks? the answer is you can't!
Savoury and a little sweet these biscuit sticks are crunchy and satisfying, and while they do cover up the chocolate taste a little more then I would like they are delicious enough on their own to forgive that. The chocolate adds that little bit of sweet but also an earthy bitterness that just works so well. I'm reminded of a more savoury version of Pocky when I have these although in reverse since Pocky has the chocolate on the outside. A great snack to take to the movies or to munch away on while reading a book.

Besitos Cheese Snacks
Product of Colombia
I feel sad in saying this but I just did not like these at all. Upon opening the packet I was greeted with a weird sour smell, a little like cheese that had been left on a bench for a few days so it has gotten warm, hard and started to sweat a bit. Despite the smell I still wanted to give them a chance as at times smell can be deceiving to what the food actually taste like. The balls themselves were crunchy and airy but the taste just didn't work. The best description I have is when you are making a grilled cheese and some of the cheese escapes the bread and hits the pan, melts, and becomes crispy. That's the flavour but again that weird sourness was there. I tried a few to see if maybe the first one I tried was different but they all were the same and sadly I just didn't enjoy these.

7 Days Bagel Chips
Product of Bulgaria
Bagel chips are great and I wasn't expecting anything else but greatness from these. Packed full of sesame seeds, poppy seeds, caraway seeds, onion and garlic this were flavourful, crunchy, crispy and salty. You can smell the poppy seeds straight away and then just a delightful bread smell. While they are firm and crunchy, its very easy to bite into them and they crumble up in your mouth. You get the onion flavour on the tongue with the poppy seed lingering. Every now and then you will bite into a caraway seed that just burst to life in your mouth. A fantastic snack on their own or you could have them with cheese and dips.  

Kathy Kayne's Glazed Popcorn
Birthday Cake
Product of America 
What is birthday cake flavour?
From what I tasted in this packet I think vanilla and sprinkles. The sprinkles seem to be the thing making the birthday cake flavour "birthday" These have a very strong sugary, vanilla smell but once you start eating the popcorn is the flavour that takes over with the sugar and vanilla hanging out in the back. Each piece varies on flavour, some are more vanilla or more popcorn. The sugary coating and popcorn gets stuck in your teeth even though they do melt away, popcorn always gets stuck. I did enjoy eating these but I personally couldn't eat more then a few at a time.🍰

Milo Cookies
Product of Colombia
Milo is an Australian staple in almost any home growing up, but when I was little there was only the original drink mix and not things like cookies, cereals and such. I was super excited to try these and just as excited when I saw there was four cookies in a packet. Milo creamy filling is sandwiched between two buttery cookies. They have a beautiful Milo taste, sweet but not overly so. The cookies crumble as you bite them and the filling on the inside added some moisture although the cookies were so delicious on their own you almost didn't need it. 

Yogurt Jelly
Product of Korea
These were weird. I still don't know if I like them or dislike them. They aren't completely unpleasant but a flavour I'm really not used to being turned into jelly. The texture is very squishy and bouncy between your fingers but they are easy to bite through. They smell a little like the yoghurt probiotic drinks you can buy but a lot sweeter. The taste is sweet, tangy and they made the sides of my mouth water and my jaw tingle when I took a bite. One minute I like them and the next I'm not sure.

Fruit Taffy Coins
Product of Israel
Chocolate coins always seemed to just appear at Christmas time as a child but I have never seen fruit taffy ones before. The coins are a white bendy taffy with a very subtle pineapple smell. There isn't a lot to the flavour either, the pineapple is just as subtle in the taste as it was with the smell. Sadly these just didn't excite me and as for flavour they really had almost none. With a stronger burst of flavour these would be much better.🍍

Tomy Butterscotch Candy
Product of Mexico
Creamy, milky caramel flavour with a hint of vanilla flavour these butterscotch candies are made with real milk. Sweet but not sickly they are a nice hard candy. Not something I would be choosing for myself but if you like these kind of candies then these are for you. I think on a cold night with a hot beverage these would be lovely to have while cuddled up under a blanket.

Great Lakes Potato Chip Co
Kettle Cooked Parmesan and Ranch Flavour
Product of America
Made in Traverse City, Michigan, these are some of the most delicious chips I have had the pleasure of eating. Not only did they have a great salty, herby and cheesy flavour the actual potato chip itself was one of the best I have ever tasted. Family owned, kettle cooked to perfection with almost all Michigan potatoes they leave the skin on which adds another great flavour to these chips. Even without the Parmesan Rach flavouring they are just so delicious. While the flavouring is strong to start with it does mellow out and then give way to the fantastic potato flavour. If you love chips, ranch or cheese then these are an absolute must. I really wish these were able to be purchased in Australia as I would love to try the other flavours they have available especially the sea salt and Vinegar.

Product of Italy

This was delightful. Fluffy and moist with a beautiful chocolate hazelnut taste. I'm amazed how they got the cake to stay so soft. This was balanced very well, sweet and milky with a thick mouth feel. They really nailed the product, add a cup of coffee, and you have the perfect afternoon treat. I could write an essay on this little cake but all you need to know is that you should be eating it right now.

Lychee Popping Candy
Product of China
Popping candy is such a fun and delightful treat that people of all ages can enjoy and I don't think you could ever not get excited when the popping in your mouth starts. This packet contained individual packs of salmon pink coloured pop rocks, which had no real smell but were bursting with lychee flavour. The flavour starts off very bold and in your face but does disappear quickly. One of the best tasting pop rocks I have ever had before and they absolutely explode in your mouth.
Pikolo Fruit
Product of Poland
These teeny tiny little hard fruit candies packed more of a punch then I was expecting. There were fours flavours in the packet, apple, orange, lemon and raspberry and each one was just as good as the last. All the flavours have a slight tang to them, they aren't sour though they just have a zing to them that make your mouth water. I find that all the flavours are pretty true to the fruit as well, they don't have an artificial taste to them and while sweet they aren't super sugary. I really like the orange ones out of all the flavours and would not be disappointed to receive these again since they were just that good. The perfect size to just pop into a bag or pocket for a little pick me up on the go.

Sour Blockheads
Product of America 
I love sour candies and these have such a fantastic zing to them. Unlike the warheads I received in this packet they aren't a painful sour. These make your mouth water and your jaw tingle but are so delicious it is hard to stop eating them. When I first tried them I did think they had a weird aftertaste but once I had a few more that seemed to disappear. If you have had Sour Patch Kids before these are similar but have a firmer texture and are bigger. They do have more of a kick and a bigger variety of flavours, but like the Sour Patch Kids they do turn sweet after starting off sour. I believe the flavours were orange, strawberry, blue raspberry, watermelon and either apple or lime, it was hard to tell with that one and I can't seem to find any information in regards to the flavours. 

Smashups! Extreme Sour
Product of America 

These are some of the biggest Warheads I have ever tried before and never in these flavours. The sourness of these are the skin removing, mouth puckering, eye scrunching sourness that also gives way to a very sweet candy underneath. The flavours in this were Strawberry/Grape, Orange/Pineapple, Mango/Melon and Cherry/Lime. The strawberry/grape combination was probably my favourite out of them all and even once the sour left it was still nice. The lime/cherry one was very overpowering and fake tasting, the cherry tasted like cough medicine to me. Orange/pineapple was also pleasant and the Mango/Melon was alright but neither a favourite or terrible. I found the best way to eat these was to crush them up whilst still in their packets and just enjoy the smaller pieces, since if you ate them whole they tend to numb your tastebuds and strip the roof of your mouth making it impossible to enjoy food for quite some time afterwards. Plus if you crush them up you get to enjoy a balance of sweet and sour. If sour is your jam then these are definitely for you.

Lotte Cereal Coco
Product of South Korea
I really should have had these with milk instead of on their own. While enjoyable, milk would have just elevated this to another level and quite possibly I ate this wrong because I didn't add milk. The treats themselves are crunchy, sweet and chocolatey with a strong wheat taste. Light and airy on the outside and creamy on the inside. Pleasant enough on their own but WHY DIDNT I ADD MILK!! I normally don't have milk in the house and by the time I thought to get some it was too late, so if you come across these then I suggest you try them with milk but also on their own. 

Overall this was a fantastic box with an amazing variety of snacks and if you want to get your own then follow the link down below and for the month of November you can use the code NOV20 and get 20% off your first subscription.

MunchPak Home Page

Thank you to the Wonderful Roxanne who packed this for me in Arizona


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