My Wine has the Blues...

and now you can to with the Blumond blue sparkling wine from Saraceni.

When I saw this all over social media I knew that I needed to give this a try. I love wine and I love the colour blue so this was something I couldn't miss out on. You have seen the other two bottles I bought from Saraceni Wines but I left this for last as it was the one I went out of my way to buy.

It is hard to describe the smell. Sweet but not overly so. A little artificial and blue. Blue is really the best way I can think to talk about the smell. Its a little fruity and you could almost say a blueberry smell, but a blueberry lolly not the fruit. While the smell isn't unpleasant it wasn't what I was expecting when it comes to sparkling wine. The taste gets a little weirder. It is hard to pin down the flavour but it has a sweetness that doesn't feel like it belongs, it feels very out of place and while some sparkling wines can be sweet this just doesn't feel right. The sweetness tastes artificial instead of a more natural occurring sweetness due to the winemaking process. Whilst not unpleasant, for me personally, this was about the experience instead of discovering a new amazing wine. I don't think it's terrible but I certainly do feel there are much better sparkling wines out there and while they don't have the WOW factor of the blue colour they have the taste I'm looking for, even with the dyer styles.

Would I buy this again? No but I don't regret buying it and am glad I got to try something so fun.
Have you ever tried this? Let me know your thoughts on this blue sensation.


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