Snack Attack: Meet the Smiths

Whilst Footy Fever gripped the nation Smith's Chips bought out three new/old flavours to celebrate. Gravy, Hot Wings and a Duo of BBQ Snags and Tomato Sauce. I never got to try the Gravy flavour when it was bought out years ago as a Hamish and Andy pick. I cannot say how close the two are in flavour, but if you are a gravy lover these might be your jam. Getting these flavours can be a bit of a pain as it took three different supermarket trips to locate all flavours and Woolworths didn't stock Gravy for some time.

These days, in such a competitive world, Chip companies need to be staying ahead of the game flavour wise. Listening to loyal customers, bringing back old flavours and getting people excited by releasing new and interesting ones is how a business stops itself from being stocked in the back corner on the chip isle. Smiths have been doing a pretty good job so far and are on of the leading brands when it comes to Chips.


BBQ Snag Chips and Tomato Sauce Chips
Upon opening this packet I was hit with a familiar smell, minus the heat and steam from an actual BBQ Snag, this smelt just like a sausage sizzle. It is hard to see from the photo but the tomato sauce chips have more of a red tinge while the BBQ snag chips have a very subtle brown tinge. The tomato sauce chips are a little more muted then the ones they released earlier this year. They have a pleasant smell and taste slightly sweet, with a herbaceous aftertaste. Reminds me of tomato soup more then tomato sauce but it's still enjoyable. The BBQ Snag ones on the other hand had very little flavour compared to the tomato ones. You need to eat a couple to even get the hint of Sausage flavour. I wish they had added more snag to these as they get a bit lost. Together they make a pleasant combination but it doesn't blow me out of the water.

Available at Coles

 There is no mistaking the smell of these chips for anything other then Gravy. Not homemade gravy, that's for sure, but they do remind me of chicken shop gravy or the powered Gravox kind. I was surprised by how pale the chips were, although there are some darker ones in there which are saturated in gravy dust. The flavour is strong. It's beefy, salty and a little herby. Have too many of these or get one covered in flavour and it does taste a little like sucking on a stock cube. They have nailed the taste but personally I wont be buying these again, great to try for curiosities sake but they aren't the winner for me.

Available at Woolworths

Hot Wings
 Out of all three chips this was probably the one I was looking forward to the most. The older I have gotten the more I enjoy spicy food, as a teenager I couldn't stand it and now the closer to 30 I am the more I crave it. They didn't hold back with these and as soon as you smell them all you get is spice. I couldn't really pin down a specific smell it was more of an overall spiciness. The chips are coated in flavouring and are the darkest of the chips offered. The photo doesn't quite show how orange/red these chips are but trust me there is no crinkle left uncovered. Now I didn't get any chicken/wing flavour, it was mostly all spice for me with a hint of BBQ flavour in there. After the first few chips my mouth and lips were tingling but that just made me want to eat more. Out of all the flavours I tired these would be the ones that I would buy again hands down! If you are a spice lover then you need to get some of these as soon as possible before they disappear.

Available at Independent Stores

If you haven't already tried these for yourself, the do yourself a flavour a grab a packet or two now. Even though Football season is over doesn't mean you cant enjoy a great snack!!


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