Pop Your Cherry

Big Shed Brewing Co is known for their beer but decided to delve into the world of cider with a 90% apple and 10% Cherry blend. Cherry Popper is the result. A strong cider with 8.5% alcohol and 2.2 standard drinks in a 330ml this baby isn't just a one night stand kinda girl.

Using Adelaide hills apples and locally grown cherries, this cider is sweet with a tangy undertone. They have balanced the flavours out spectacularly without one fruit overtaking the other despite their being more apple. The flavours work together in harmony and it is one of the nicest cherry ciders I've had the pleasure of tasting. Deceivingly easy to drink, you have to be careful as I noted above it is much stronger then your average apple cider and after just one your head gets a nice pleasant buzz, just enough to relax you after a hard days work. Go ahead and give this fantastic cider a try, you wont be sorry.

Find out more about the Big Shed Brewing Co here


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