Snack Attack - Ketchup and Cheese Chips

2017 seems to be the year of the chips. Everyone is making collaborations, bringing limited editions out and with Smiths they decided to bring some old flavours back at the behest of the consumer. Since starting this blog and writing a few chip posts, I have been keeping my eye on new products coming out and old favourites returning. It is an absolute genius idea, I know for myself, I can never resist trying something new, even if its only once. People are curious. they love to try new experiences. This was certainly an experience.

 Heinz Tomato Ketchup

Smith's have nailed this flavour on the head. It taste, hands down, just like tomato ketchup. Which I still cannot decide whether this is a good thing or not. The smell when you open the packet is spicy, with a strong blast of tomatoes (I mean you would hope that tomato chips smelt like tomato) but cooked down tomatoes, not fresh and acidic ones. Red flecks of flavour dust the chips with some hit more then others. There is a tangy zing when eating these, the flavour really packs a punch and doesn't hold back. These chips make no apology for what they are and taste like you are spooning ketchup into your mouth. It was a little weird to be honest, ketchup is something I normally eat on chips but to have it as the main flavour and not being able to taste any of the potato made my brain a little confused. While these aren't terrible tasting, the very small handful I had when trying these was enough for me. I personally wont be buying these again but definitely check them out for yourself.

Bega Cheese - Farmers Tasty

NOPE NOPE NOPE! These should have never been made. EVER! Don't get me wrong, I love cheese, I could live off just cheese (I might die quickly, but boy I would die happy) but these chips should have never been made. Bega cheese holds a few childhood memories for me. When I was younger I lived off the coast of New South Whales and rode a bus that passed the Bega Cheese Factory each morning to go to kindergarten. That place absolutely stunk just like these chips and sometimes I imagine I can still smell it. When I opened the packet and got my nose up close and personal with these chips a strange and not entirely pleasant cheesy smell is emitted. It isn't easy to describe, but it smelt like powder, milkiness and old cheese that's been sitting on a bench, gotten hard and started to sweat. There is a slight yellow tinge on the chips themselves but its not very bright, though you can still see a fair amount of flavouring dusted over them. The taste is very similar to the smell, and also a bit like mac and cheese powder packets. I really couldn't eat more then four of these chips before I had to stop because they just did not taste right. I don't recommend these and I'm sad they weren't good but at least my curiosity is now over.

Sometimes, you try something and it blows you out of the water. Neither of these flavours did that for me and this time round I'm happy they are only limited edition. I will be happy to wave good bye.



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