The Rotten Fruit Box

If you are as big as a fruit fiend as I am then this is a fantastic box for you. The idea behind the box is taking fruit from farmers that wont be bought by supermarkets and might otherwise go to waste and rot away, and turning it into an amazing freeze dried fruit box for you to enjoy. Not only are you getting great seasonal fruit to snack on, you are helping farmers earn a profit and reduce waste.

Boxes are shipped worldwide with no extra costs, so wherever you are you can treat yourself. The boxes are able to be tailored to your fruit needs, you can create your own, subscribe and let them create the box or if you just love one particular fruit, you can get a whole box filled with just that fruit.
Everything comes in these great re sealable paper pouches with a little see through pocket.

I have dried my own kiwi before in a dehydrator but never have I had freeze dried kiwi before buying this box. Crunchy, airy and bursting with so much flavour this was my favourite fruit out of all I received. Not only was it delicious but it kind of looked like cartoon fruit and that made the child inside me very happy as I cannot be the only one who watches a cartoon or animation and wants to eat the food. While you do miss out on the burst of juice that can only ever come from fresh fruit, the flavour is just the same and in a way a little more powerful.

Creamy, crunchy and full of flavour these banana chips are wonderful. They melt away into a creamy texture and leave you with a strong banana taste. Banana always seems to be something that works really well with freeze drying and it's good to know that a company like this exists to turn unwanted ones into chips, as supermarkets will reject any that aren't picture perfect despite the fact that the fruit inside is perfectly edible. Turning the extra fruit that is produced each year into fruit chips is a fantastic idea and the Rotten Fruit Box are really doing their part to reduce the waste.

These strawberries were just divine and I couldn't get enough of them. I was very lucky to have two of these packets in my box. Full of sweet, tangy strawberry flavour they are a must for all those who love strawberries. They are airy, light and melt away in your mouth and it's almost impossible to have just a few.

The tartness of raspberries is amped up to the max when they have been freeze dried and I loved snacking on these. Just like cherries, fresh raspberry can barley be beaten but these were a close second to the real deal. The perfect treat to eat on their own, sprinkle on yogurt, use in baking or any other way you like to enjoy raspberries.

These aren't as amazing as fresh cherries because nothing can capture that fresh juicy taste but they were still enjoyable. Compared to other cherries I have had before that weren't fresh, these are very tasty. Firm but not crunchy, with a deep flavour, they had great tartness that makes your mouth pucker a little when you eat heaps of them. While I will always love fresh cherries more, I would be happy to buy these again. They would be fantastic for baking as well.

I got two different apple varieties in my box. One was slices of apple with no skin and the other was rounds with skin on. Both of them were delicious. The ones with the skin on were slightly tarter then the other ones but both of them were full of apple flavour. Dried apple and freeze dried apple are both packed with taste but the freeze dried gets the added bonus of the crunch and then the melting sensation when it dissolves in your mouth.

The Rotten Fruit box is truly amazing and the quality of their produce is outstanding.
Their values and beliefs make them even more of a wonderful company and I'm proud to be supporting them and sharing how great I think they are with the world.

Recently their business has been booming and once you try for yourself you will see why.

Click on their link to get your own fruit box today!
The Rotten Fruit Box Homepage


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