
I discovered Bokksu almost by accident. On my personal Facebook page a sponsored post popped up for Bokksu and I was very intrigued. I got a gift box for myself (meaning I didn't get a recurring subscription, although I do recommend it) I was lucky to get the February box that was filled with so many amazing KitKat flavours.

This box was called Doki Doki, which is the sound of an excited heartbeat, that can be heard all around Japan in February because of Valentines Day.

Not only was there 10 Varieties of Kit Kat, there was also some beautiful Japanese tea and an exclusive gift.

Mini Heart Senbei Black Pepper
 Light and airy with lots of fantastic crunch, these were some of the most amazing snacks I have had in a long time. The soy sauce is delicate, sweet but salty with a caramelised flavour. The black pepper adds a small kick but it is balanced so well that it doesn't become overwhelming. Your mouth gets a slight tingle from the pepper after you eat a few of them but then the sweetness from the soy soothes your tastebuds. I would be happy with an entire box filled with just these.

Luxury Edition KitKats
Taking its name from its serving size of one larger bar instead of the standard double bars and the higher quality ingredients used.

Cranberry and Almond
This tiny little KitKat held such a punch, bursting forth with nutty and fruity flavours with the sweetness held in check from the dark chocolate. The top is all broken up so you can see everything that was sprinkled over the top when making the bar. A fantastic treat.

Matcha Double Berry Almond
 Just like the Almond and Cranberry one before it, this also had a decorated top with the berries and almonds. The Matcha adds a delicate earthiness that comes through on the front of the palate and then the berries burst fourth with so much flavour. the almond plays a background character here and just adds a nice nutty flavour against the berries and Matcha.

Adult Edition KitKats
Flavours created for Adults who prefer more natural flavours without added sweetness.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate isnt normally something I would pick but every now and then I really enjoy the bitter sweetness compared to the sugaryness of milk chocolate. The added dark chocolate cookie is a delicate little touch that really helps to elevate this KitKat beyond a normal dark chocolate variety. A perfect treat for when you want something sweet but balanced.

Dark Matcha
Compared to the normal green tea flavour this Dark Matcha has a stronger depth of flavour and colour. While it was still sweet there is a lot more of the earthy bitter flavour that comes from Matcha in general but it wasn't unpleasant. The KitKat had a deeper colour and was speckled with Matcha dots.

When you smell this one the white chocolate almost over powers the Matcha. Lighter then the Dark Matcha and without the speckled dots this KitKat has a much sweeter taste with less of the bitterness. You do still get all the earthy favours associated with Matcha.

As soon as the packet is opened you are hit with the sweetest strawberry smell. I haven't smelled strawberry like that before unless I'm opening a strawberry candy. When it came to eating I did expect it was just going to be sweet without any relief but there was a very nice amount of tartness that helped to balance out the strawberry and white chocolate. It is still the sweetest of all the flavours in the Adult collection despite the tartness.

Limited Edition KitKats
These KitKats are either only sold for special occasions throughout the year or are only found in certain regions around Japan. Making them a fantastic Omiyage (souvenir) for friends and family.

Matcha Leaves
The colour of this KitKat was in between the Dark Matcha and the Matcha flavour, it has a very subtle smell but a very strong flavour. The white chocolate helps to balance out the bitterness that comes with adding more Matcha leaves but they do have a bite to them. Still a pleasant KitKat but not one I would choose above the normal Matcha.

This had a really interesting burnt greeny brown colour and a beautiful roasted smell. There is still a nice Matcha flavour but because of the roasting process you get a lot more nutty characteristics and then an almost milkiness to the flavour. It is still quite sweet but a really interesting flavour and one you normally only get when roasted nuts are added to chocolate.

Amao Strawberry
Compared to the other strawberry flavour this was so light and delicate. You didn't get assaulted with strawberry as soon as you opened the package and the flavour didn't have the same tartness. You still get the white chocolate as an aftertaste but the strawberry is a lot more subtle and no where near as bold as the other one. Still a really enjoyable treat.

Purple Yam
I have never had purple yam before that I can recall so I don't have a comparison and I found it hard to pick what this reminded me of. The colour is a beautiful light purple and the smell is sweet, a little floral and a touch of savoury at the same time. The taste is sweet and earthy but in a different way to the earthiness of the green tea. It taste like Autumn. A really interesting flavour and I'm thrilled I got to try it. 

White Peach Tea
How adorable is the packaging of this tea? I am in love with how cute it is. If you have ever had Japanese peach gummies then that is exactly how this tea smells in the packet, really sweet and fruity. The deeper and longer you smell though the flavour changes and smells a little more like dried fruit and less lolly like. The little paper tag on the tea bag has a small slit in the middle that you can rest on the side of your cup so that is doesn't fall in. Such a small detail but overlooked by many tea companies. One the bag is added to water the tea is a beautiful amber colour that darkens the longer it steeps. The flavour is softer then the smell and has more of the dried fruit taste but the sweetness is still there. A really delightful fruit tea that I think even people who didn't normally drink fruit teas would enjoy.

Overall this was a fantastic experience and Bokksu have created something very special. Each month there are different treats and teas for you to try and they give a different side to Japanese snacks and lollies that some of the other boxes out there just don't. I really look forward to my next Bokksu experience.

Use my referral code to get $5 off your first Classic Bokksu
(This isn't a sponsored post, I just think they are a great company and when you sign up you get a code to share with friends and I wanted to share that with all of you!)
Referral Code


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